We accept most major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard. We also accept PayPal as a form of payment.

We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be from one of those countries we will contact you.

Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:


United States9-20 Business days
Canada, Europe10-30 Business days
Australia, New Zealand10-30 Business days
Mexico, Central America, South America15-30 Business days

We accept most major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard. We also accept PayPal as a form of payment.

We guarantee that the product you receive is exactly as described on the website.

We will refund 100% of the order value if the product you receive is not as described.

The value and shipping information is printed on a sticker on the outside of the package when your order is shipped. HOWEVER,  duties and taxes are calculated and changed by customs officials in your country. As such, they are beyond our control. As the importer of record, you are responsible for duties, taxes and any other charges that your country chooses to impose for the import.

How much will customs charges be for my country?

As charges are individually assessed by your country’s officials upon import, we are unable to provide an estimate on how much you may be charged for customs. Charges vary from case to case. Instead, please try contacting the customs officials in your country to get a better idea of what the customs charges might be for your order.

Here are the necessary steps:

1. Choose your sizing and color.

2. Click “Add to my cart”.

3. Simply check your cart out on the cart icon on the right upper conner of your device.

4. Everything will be straight forward from there such as: Contact Information/ Payment.

5. Emails and SMS(s) will be sent as a confirmation to your order

6. We will then prepare and ship your purchase ASAP

Our support team is always happy to guide you at any step!

If you want to cancel or change the product, please contact us within 12 hours of the successful order.

If it is more than 12 hours after placing an order, we cannot change the product or cancel your order, but you can still change the shipping address.

You do not need an account to place an order.

But you can create your own account to easily manage the orders you have placed, and we can send you discount codes at the beginning of the month.

Please refer to the page …..  on our site and enter the Tracking Number which will be sent to you later on.

Please note that it can sometimes take up to 10 business days for your tracking information to start updating after your order has been shipped. Please don’t be alarmed, your order is on its way!

Please contact us via Email or phone number in the contact section.



All of our products are made in China as we want our products to be affordable to everyone. By placing our factory in China, we are able to reduce the labor cost while maintaining the high level of skill, the materials are cheaper and the shipping costs are also be reduced significantly. If we are to place our facility in the United States, in the State of Hawaii in particular, the price will went up to 1.5 times. Therefore, please do not be surprised if you order(s) is coming from China, it is just a place, Chinese labor is very skillful and the product quality remains the same if not better!

If your item does not arrive within 45 days. Please contact us. We will help you to check and track your order.